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MyAES is an AES replacement used in many modern TOS setups on powerful, upgraded machines or TOS clones
- Official site
- rezmode = 0 => try to find resolution in NVRAM if not work use rezmode 3 with vsetmode value set in myaes.cnf
- rezmode = 1 => default VDI mode (how VDI use it I don't know)
- rezmode = 3 (or 5 on Milan computer) set extended video mode using vsetmode value (in decimal (XaAES use hexadecimal value))
- ESETSHIFT set EsetShift() function with this value if different of 0, I don't know if it's true or wrong only TT video mode, probably never tested (all people using MyAES under TT have also video card, so I don't know if usefull or not).